Thursday, April 9, 2009

I give myself very good advice, but I very seldom follow it.

Yesterday was full of fun.
Starts off with Robyn and I waking up early to get to our extra class on time, only to find out class is not happening. too early for lunch and too awake to go back to sleep, Robyn and I decide to check out the Elizabeth Galloway store in Stellenbosch, which is not as bad as we imagined. Having not seen maxi for 5 days, we make our way over to her place, intending to wake her up, she is already up and dressed so we get some sun and have a chit chat on the couch outside, planning what to do next we decide it is time for a mystics pizza! Pizza renews our energy and we are ready to drive back to Somerset West for a bout of thrifting! R26 and 3 skirts later, we are 3 happy girls! sattisfied with our new purchases, we make a quick stop at Robyn's house for a rock hard chocolate muffin and a face-book update before another stop at my house for clean clothes, fresh food and a sip of water. After a trip to the supermarket to pick up a few things for the mother, we are finally on our way back to Stel. once we've topped up on electricity so Robyns food doesnt go to waste, we head down to Die Akker for a drink. after the drink, a nap is needed so its back to robyns place to catch some Zzzzz. once again on our way back to SWest, we stop by Maxi's to check on the cat, Jack, and eat cream crackers. Just missing the 5 'o clock traffic. arriving at our final destionation, the place Robyn is house sitting we turn on the telly for Hannah Montana while Maxine cooks us dinner. The thought of going back to Stellenbosch for a drink at Mystics briefly enters our mind, but we fall asleep watching the first half of the never ending story and never make it out.

whew! what a day...

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