As a 5 year old girl I honestly believed that Jason Richter [Jesse in Free Willy] would one day come and fetch my on his killer whale and I would ride with him into the sunset. Alas that never happened.
I have really been enjoying Tim Walkers photography lately. We recieved a styling assignment a while back to style and shoot a portrait photograph as the cover of a magazine, using a third year student from our college. So I have been researching as much as I can - and it's been so much fun!
I am more upset than I ever thought I would be over Michael's death, he was my dad's musical hero in his younger years so I grew up with his music blaring out out HI-FI most days. I really truly believed that one day I'd tune in to the news and Michael would be back in action again and everything would be as it was. This has shocked me to the core.
The way I see it, one usually asks for bullet proofing over ones heart. I have recently come to the conclusion that i need to start carrying it around in bulk. not for hearts. for friends with feelings. feelings i hurt with my words. feelings i bruise with my aggression
after almost 19 years of speaking - i have yet to learn the art of holding my tongue.